Greater Los Angeles Area Rental Values


Thinking of buying an investment property and want to know what current market rents are?


Want to know if your maximizing the value of your property?


Want to know if your paying fair market value for your unit?

Here is a Zilpy link, bookmark it, its a cool service

Los Angeles - Craigslist is a good source too but too many scam artists on that site for my tastes.

5758 Views, 2 Comments

As I said in my last blog SB94 will have an effect on how consumers handle their mortgages SB94 has already passed the Senate and the community and now goes to the assembly there are many reasons to think this will help as well as many reason to think it would not, the bill it self is as follows 


          This bill would prohibit persons from charging advance fees to  
          borrowers in connection with a loan modification, and require  
          those who wish to charge a fee for loan modification services  
          (after performing them) to provide a specified notice to  
          borrowers regarding other options available to the borrower.   
          The violation of those…

2825 Views, 0 Comments

Never pay for Directory Assitance on your cell phone again.

I know most people have smart phones but it can be time consuming to look up info on the internet from a PDA.

Google has a free 411 service set up: GOOG-411 

I've tried it, it works well.  Its a completely automated system and you don't get to speak to a live person so if the system doesn't understand you or there is too much back ground noise you may not get good results.  I tested it with a "roebucks juice" in "torrance,ca" query and the results were accurate.

 To apply this to real estate, it may be handy next time you need a local service contractor, i.e.- plumber, electrician, roofer, termite, carpenter, window repair etc., etc.




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HOA Assistance Program offered through PWR

HOA Assistance program offered through my local association of realtors (Pacific West Association of Realtors)

Program offered through Pacific West Association of Realtors for homeowners in Southern LA and Northern Orange counties.  Funds for this program are from a charity account setup by fellow Realtors and a grant from a California Association of Realtors fund.  The program will pay up to $250/month & up to $3000 per year to the Home Owners Association for the qualifying borrower.  This program has helped over 30 families since its inception in 2007


Be sure to check with our office for qualifying guidelines and available funds before applying.

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