I wanted to take a second before the holiday season officially kicks off to wish you and yours a Happy Thanksgiving. This year has been full of ups and downs for everyone, but it's a great time of year to focus and appreciate the little wins we've had along the way. Keep that in mind on Thursday morning as you scramble to get the stuffing and cranberry sauce done before your in-laws arrive!

I hope your Thanksgiving is fun, relaxing (as much as it can be), and filled with great food and company. And if you don't celebrate–enjoy the long weekend and stay away from The Grove!

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Obviously the mortgage and real estate industries go hand-in-hand, so you should keep up to date by checking out the IET Capital blog. Here's a couple recent articles you might find interesting. 

Blue-lining is the line of risk lenders are drawing around certain neighborhoods that are more susceptible to flooding or any other natural disasters. As Californians experiencing more and more wildfires, this practice could directly affect us and the mortgage rates we get in the future. Check out the article here to learn more! 

Desktop appraisals and other relaxed protocols expired earlier this year, but on October 18th, the acting director of the FHFA, Sandra Thompson, announced at the Mortgage Bankers Association annual convention that desktop…

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