Federal Housing Administration has extended the time they will allow sellers who have owned for less than 90 days to re-sale a property.  I'm assuming the same restrictions as before will exist (i.e. 20% max appreciation, full home inspection by lender, 2 appraisals etc., etc.)  If you are interested in finding out more info on this topic please call me at 310 874-1278 http://www.latimes.com/business/realestate/la-fi-harney-20110116,0,6473194.story  This is good news for Real Estate Investors, First-Time Homebuyers and the Real Estate market in general.  Which basically means this is good news for the overall economy. 

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"The basic difference between an ordinary man and a warrior is that a warrior takes everything as a challenge while an ordinary man takes everything either as a blessing or a curse"  Don Juan, Tales of Power


I think to achieve your mission in any walk of life you have to look at your obstacles as a challenge and refuse to accept undesireable outcomes as inevitable fate.  Its amazing how much control over your future you can create but it takes foresight, initiative and effort to create your own path.

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