
The Rent Stabilization Ordinance (RSO) has brought about a lot of changes for 2017. Among the most important of these are the Tenant Buyout Notification Program, or "Cash for Keys". Many of us have probably heard of, if not experienced firsthand, a landlord looking to strike a deal with a tenant to get them to move out of their unit. This tends to happen a lot in developing neighborhoods, where someone is looking to renovate an entire building and reopen at a higher pricing tier.

As this trend has grown, the city has taken notice. Through the Cash for Keys program, tenants in RSO covered housing will be better protected as tenant buyouts become more regulated and streamlined.


Knowledge is Power


One of the main ideas behind RSO changes for 2017…

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The Los Angeles Housing and Community Investment Department (HCIDLA) held a public hearing on Wednesday, February 1st down on Vermont and 85th street. The purpose was to discuss how federal funds are being used by the city to help communities in Los Angeles. Here's what they shared...


Five Years Later 

The speaker pointed out that HCIDLA was now in its 5th year of its 5-year program. This program has had four main objectives to help improve conditions. These are: 

  • The Community Development Block Grant
  • Home Investment Partnerships Program
  • Emergency Solutions Grant
  • Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development required that the city submit plans for these grants, and it has been a…

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