Is It Legal to Ride Your Bike on the Sidewalk in Los Angeles?

In a city full of traffic, sometimes it’s faster to get around Los Angeles on a bike than driving. Yet, with all that car congestion, it can make biking in the road feel a little dicey, so it’s pretty common to see a cyclist cruise down the sidewalk. As a pedestrian, if you’ve ever taken a leisurely stroll only to nearly be taken out by an off-roading bicycle, you’ve probably asked yourself, "is that even legal?"


LA is a big county with a variety of municipalities and local ordinances, and you can easily ride from one area to another where the laws differ, like going from Atwater Village into Glendale. If you’re a cyclist, look at the guide below so you know where it’s okay…

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If you're looking to buy real estate in Los Angeles without going broke,'s Tax Defaulted Property Auctions can allow you to buy a home for a fraction of the market price. The Los Angeles County auction will begin on April 22nd and run through April 25th, and in nearby Riverside County from April 27th-May 2nd. Read on to learn more about Bid4Assets tax defaulted property auctions and how you can take advantage of this opportunity to find an affordable hidden gem. 

What are Tax Defaulted Properties?

When property owners fail to pay their property taxes for a certain period of time, the property becomes tax defaulted. In order to recoup the delinquent taxes, the county holds auctions where these properties are sold to the highest…

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FlexClose Funding: The Smart Solution for Stress-Free Home Closings

Buying a home is a major milestone, but it can also be a stressful experience, especially when it comes to the closing process. Fortunately, there's a solution that can help make closing on a home a stress-free experience: FlexClose Funding.

With FlexClose Funding, homebuyers can close on their loan at a time and location that's most convenient for them, eliminating the need to take time off work or rearrange schedules to attend a closing appointment.

The process is simple: once your loan is approved, you'll work with your lender to schedule a closing appointment at your home, your realtor's office, a coffee shop–wherever is best for you! Your lender will then coordinate with…

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On March 27th, The California Housing Finance Agency launched the Dream for All program that would allocate $300M in down payment assistance to first-time home buyers. Qualified applicants who are accepted to the program will receive interest-free loans to be used to make up to a 20% down payment on a house.

Now, less than 2 weeks after the program opened to the public, the CalHFA has announced that it expects to run out of those funds by April 10th. Additionally, qualified applicants must lock-in their Dream for All loans by April 12th at 3 pm. 

If you think you might qualify for this program and want to take advantage of it, there's no time to waste! If you want more information,  email us or give us a call at (323) 412-9060.

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