Update on Obama, Christopher Dodd & Barney Franks plan to further cripple our country's economy
Posted by Ben Nicolas onhttp://www.latimes.com/business/realestate/la-fi-harney-20110220,0,6407654.story
- This will kill jobs in RE & Mortgage Industry, this doesn't just mean RE & Loan Officers this means all of the operational support, underwriters, managers, processors, also all of the services these businesses use i.e.- accountants, human resources people, maintenance, not to mention all of the industries that are connected to residential real estate: construction, furniture stores, material suppliers, landscapers, contractors of all trades, I have no idea what # of jobs we are talking about but there is 0 doubt that we are talking 7 figure job loss at the end of the day when the impact of these deciscions is analyzed across the country. I don't understand why…
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