Found 2 blog entries tagged as rentals.

On my recent visit to the Los Angeles City East Valley Animal Shelter I learned quite a bit from their meeting on Pets in Rental Housing. Furry friends in a rental can be an area of tension between tenants and landlords, but it doesn’t have to be! Landlords can quickly fill vacancies and gain a little extra income from pet fees, while the responsible pet owners get to live happily with their companions. It’s a win-win situation. Here's how you can land your dream apartment, and bring your dog or cat along!

  1. Provide your prospective landlord with a resume for your pet (see example below). Write a nice cover letter, and tag on a letter of recommendation from your neighbors or previous landlords as…

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Many of you may remember the horrific damage done by the 6.7 magnitude earthquake that shook Northridge, CA in 1994, or maybe even Loma Prieta during 1989. Thankfully, Los Angelenos haven’t been hit that hard since, but there is still much work to be done.

What many considered long overdue, on November 22, 2015, the Los Angeles City Council put into effect the Earthquake Hazard Reduction Ordinance, establishing mandatory standards to reduce earthquake hazards and damage. The law determines that seismic retrofitting on soft story buildings is an effective method of work that benefits the structural integrity and safety of the whole building. It protects the safety of Los Angeles residents and properties alike. The City has…

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